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Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the answers to a numberof questions that are often asked when arranging a shoot with me

What do I bring?

As far as far as outfits are concerned ,this will be discussed with you prior to the shoot so you know exactly what to bring. Always bring one or two more outfits that what you actually need. I have a range of accessories such as angel wings, crowns and various bits and bobs.

Can I bring a Friend for moral support?

Chaperones or friends are welcome, but I ask that you limit this to just one person who is an adult. I respectfully ask that the person remains a 'silent' attendee and not interfere with the photoshoot. Any attempts to to interfere or impromptu requests to be included with in the shoot will be met with a response for the person to leave the premises. If you decide to leaver at this point ,then any monies paid, will be forfeited.

What do you shoot?

The answer is virtually anything! From pets to products, from the first time model to experienced models. I am LGTBQIA friendly. Please note I do not shoot adult/ pornographic imagery.

Do you work with professional models

Of course.  Whether you are looking for a portfolio update or have an ingenious idea you would like to fulfill , please get in touch. Under certain circumstances,  I may be able to provide shoots on a TFP basis. References will be required.

How do I get my images?

A contact sheet of images will be provided to you usually within one week of the photoshoot taking place. These will be watermarked and not for general use or publication. From there, you will select your final images which will be retouched. Dependent n the volume of final images chosen (number to be pre-agreed), these will be provided to you in your chosen media usually within 2-4 weeks, 

What do you mean be retouching

All images will go through a process of editing. Usually this is to adjust brightness and colour levels. Everyone is individually and whilst some individuals will want skin blemishes removed etc, other will want their images to be relatively untouched. This is something that will be discussed with you prior to the the photoshoot. The final images will be watermarked with my company signature.  respectfully ask that you do not re-edit the mages or apply filters to them on social media. 

Do you offer payment plans 

These are usually reserved for Wedding Events  and photoshoots which are over £400 in value.  Please contact me for details. 

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